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This comprehensive article that will walk you through the entire process of setting up a company in Poland. Whether you’re a local entrepreneur or an EU national looking to expand your business, we’ve got you covered with all the legal requirements, options for trading without registering a company, step-by-step guides, cost breakdowns, and additional considerations. Read on to discover everything you need to know to successfully establish your business in Poland.

1. The Legal Environment for Setting Up a Company in Poland

When setting up a company in Poland, it is important to understand the legal environment that governs business activities in the country. There are two main levels of legislation to consider. Firstly, there are Polish internal laws that outline who can become an entrepreneur and the terms and conditions for doing business. Additionally, as a member of the European Union, Poland is also subject to international laws that regulate business activities. This means that EU nationals and European Economic Area citizens are treated as if they were Polish nationals when it comes to business and employment matters.

Under EU law on free movement, all EU citizens have the right to work in another EU country without needing a work permit. They are also entitled to equal treatment with Polish nationals in terms of access to employment, working conditions, and social and tax advantages. It’s important to note that many EU regulations, such as those related to VAT and customs, apply to conducting business in Poland as well. This provides a favorable environment for foreign entrepreneurs looking to establish their businesses in Poland.

2. Options for Trading in Poland Without Registering a Company

If you are looking to trade in Poland without registering a company, there is an option available called cross-border services. This allows for the temporary provision of services in Poland without the need to set up a formal company. Cross-border services are a good choice if your business activities in Poland are only temporary and occasional. It allows service providers, including entrepreneurs from the EU, to offer their services on a cross-border basis in another EU country.

However, it’s important to note that certain types of commercial activities may require permits or licenses, even for cross-border services. For example, transportation, notarial services, pharmacy, medicine, and gambling services cannot be provided as cross-border activities. If your business falls into one of these categories, you will need to fulfill the specific requirements and obtain the necessary permits or licenses before conducting business in Poland.

3. Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Poland

Setting up a limited liability company (LLC) is one of the most popular choices for entrepreneurs looking to start a business in Poland. The LLC offers numerous benefits and versatility as a legal form for businesses. It provides limited liability protection, which means that the personal assets of the company’s owners are separate from the company’s liabilities. This can provide peace of mind and financial security for entrepreneurs.

When setting up an LLC, you have the option to choose partners or establish it as a sole ownership. If you decide to have partners, they can be natural persons with full capacity for legal acts, persons with limited capacity authorized by their legal representative, or legal persons. However, it is also possible to set up an LLC as a sole owner, where you will be the only partner. This gives you full control over the company’s operations and decision-making process.

To incorporate an LLC in Poland, there are certain requirements and information that you need to provide. This includes identifying the partners involved, their personal and legal status information, insurance details, and the desired company name. You will also need to specify the duration of the LLC, its office location, and the object of its activity. Additionally, you will need to determine the invested share capital and decide whether a company member can hold more than one share. The share capital must be at least PLN 5,000.

4. Traditional vs. Electronic Method: How to Set Up Your LLC


When it comes to setting up your limited liability company (LLC) in Poland, you have two options: the traditional method through a notarial deed or the electronic method available on the Portal of Court Registers. Each method has its own advantages and considerations.


The traditional method involves booking a meeting with a notary office and going through the process of preparing a notarial deed. This method may be preferred by those who value the personal interaction and guidance provided by a notary. However, it is important to note that this method can be more costly, as you will need to cover the expenses of notarial services.

On the other hand, the electronic method offers a more convenient and cost-effective approach. By registering an account on the Portal of Court Registers, you can complete the entire process online. This method requires a qualified signature, which can be obtained from one of the EU providers. While there may be additional steps involved in setting up your LLC electronically, such as providing the necessary elements of the LLC contract and signing court documents using your ePUAP account, it offers flexibility and ease of use.

Regardless of which method you choose, it is important to carefully consider your specific needs and preferences. Consulting with professionals or seeking guidance from trade organizations can also help you make an informed decision based on your unique circumstances.

5. Cost Breakdown: Registering an LLC in Poland


Setting up an LLC in Poland involves various costs that need to be taken into account. These costs include notarial tariffs, court inscription fees, and taxes on civil law transactions. The exact amount you will need to pay will depend on the share capital of your LLC.

For example, notarial tariffs are determined based on the share capital of the company. The higher the share capital, the higher the tariff. If your share capital is PLN 5,000, the notarial tariff will amount to around PLN 160. However, if your share capital is PLN 2,000,000, the cost will be approximately PLN 6,800. In addition to notarial tariffs, you will also need to pay a fee for the inscription of your company in the National Court Register (NCR), which is set at PLN 500 per inscription. There is also an additional fee of PLN 100 for inscription in the Court and Commercial Monitor (CCM). Furthermore, you will be required to pay taxes on civil law transactions, which is calculated as 0.5% of the share capital (minus notarial tariffs and inscription fees). For instance, if your share capital is PLN 5,000, the tax will be around PLN 20.

6. Utilizing Sales Intelligence from to Successfully Establish a Business in Poland

Sales intelligence is crucial for foreign entities setting up a business in Poland, and platforms like offer invaluable support in this process. By leveraging the comprehensive data analytics and market insights provided by, businesses can gain a deep understanding of the Polish market landscape, including industry trends, competitive analysis, and consumer behavior. offers detailed profiles of potential partners, suppliers, and customer demographics, enabling businesses to identify and target the most lucrative opportunities. This platform also assists in navigating the regulatory environment by providing insights into compliance requirements and local business practices. Additionally, can facilitate connections with local stakeholders and potential business partners through their extensive network and database.

The platform’s advanced search tools and personalized matching services ensure that businesses can efficiently find the right partners and suppliers, optimizing their market entry strategies. With, foreign entities can make informed decisions, streamline their operations, and build strong relationships, significantly enhancing their chances of success in the Polish market.

By using, businesses can access crucial market data, receive expert guidance, and utilize efficient networking opportunities, making the process of setting up a business in Poland smoother and more effective.

7. Additional Considerations for Starting a Business in Poland


When starting a business in Poland, there are several additional considerations that can contribute to the success and efficiency of your venture. These include opening a separate business bank account, creating a Trusted Profile or an electronic signature, choosing the appropriate PKD code, and seeking further guidance from relevant resources.

Opening a separate business bank account is highly recommended, as it helps to keep your personal and business finances separate. This not only simplifies accounting and tax reporting but also enhances the professional image of your company. When choosing a bank in Poland, it’s important to compare different options and consider factors such as charges, additional guidance for businesses, and the availability of local branches for in-person transactions. Many banks in Poland offer mobile banking services, making it convenient to manage your finances from anywhere.

Creating a Trusted Profile or an electronic signature is another important step when setting up a business in Poland. A Trusted Profile is a free electronic tool that confirms your identity and allows you to register your company online. It also enables you to handle various official matters electronically without the need for physical visits. Alternatively, you can opt for an electronic signature, which has similar functions but may involve a cost. Both options provide convenience and efficiency in dealing with administrative tasks.

Choosing the appropriate PKD code is essential when registering your company in Poland. The PKD code refers to the Polish Classification of Activities and determines the type of activity your company will engage in. Each code corresponds to specific obligations, including taxation requirements and the use of cash registers. It’s important to select the correct PKD code that accurately represents your business activities to ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

If you require further guidance or assistance throughout the process of setting up your business in Poland, there are various resources available. can help and can be reached via phone or our website. Additionally, consulting firms and specialized agencies can offer comprehensive services ranging from notarial assistance to tax advisory, making the process smoother and more efficient.

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